Product range
Locking device
Service partners
On the road
  About us

Retailers and Service partners

All KCT-components are field-proven and have demonstrated their reliability in many regions of the world for over 2 decades.

More than 500 retailers and service partners all over the world are there to support you. In Europe - Germany, France, Spain, Austria, Netherlands, Czechia, ...  but also in US, Australia...

Please contact us for detailed contact information.

By the way
All our glasses are equipped with a high-quality solar and thermal protection coating.

Did you know that…?
Normal insulating windows can burst when reaching 4000 m above sea level.
This is due to the air pressure, which is lower in the surrounding area than in the space between the panes, such as on the high-altitude roads in Peru.
We have built our tempered glass windows to withstand these differences in air pressure - and without a valve.
So even under extreme conditions, you can rely on your KCT - windows.

KCT-components worldwide

Travelling reports: click here